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Renewal Program

Acknowledge and purchase below

Congratulations on your choice to continue on with four consecutive weekly individual sessions, to take place over a video chat platform, protected by a password. Each session is scheduled for a duration of 60 minutes.

As a reminder, in accordance with the State of California Business and Professions Code, Secret To Life Institute™ is required to disclose the following information, in regards to it's offerings, for you to acknowledge before purchasing.

Please Acknowledge

Disclaimer of Service

Secret To Life Institute offers a professional practice that provides support and coaching services that are alternative and complementary to the healing arts services licensed by the state.

We provide services in accordance with the education, training, and field study in the specific areas of:

  • Systemic Constellations – Techniques to reset, re-align, renew subconscious patterns and programs. 

  • T.I.M.E. – Tools to release unresourceful emotions and experiences.

  • Hypnosis – Methods that bypass of the conscious mind and offer suggestions that induce change.

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) – Use of subconscious principles, patterns, and language to increase resourcefulness.

  • Inner-Child Healing– Methods to connect with the foundational aspects of the subconscious.

  • Transformational Coaching–Performance enhancement with ongoing perspective, support, and direction.

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques – For the release of stored energy and internal state management. 

  • These services are not licensed by the state and we are not licensed physicians. The services offered do not include the practice of medicine, psychology, or any other licensed arts.  They are rooted in uncovering self-awareness and the development of a resourceful personal and professional mindset. 

    With the above declared, and by proceeding to purchase your program, you also acknowledge, understand, and agree with above information as well as the programs terms and conditions associated to the service agreement

    Once again, good for you for taking action.

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